Unit 3 – Installation City 3013

Lawrence Lek, Onur Ozkaya & Jesse Randzio

This unit develops temporary site-specific installations of public spaces that address the evolution and obsolescence of the city. A language of growth and decay will be developed through a collective 1:1 installation and large-scale models drawn from studies of hyperactivity within London today. Students will develop prototyping techniques to address two complementary rates of change – the way materials agglomerate to form a city, and the way people interact directly with their environment. In a thousand years, whatever seems significant today will be a faint memory of collective culture. By projecting so far into the future, disbelief will be suspended long enough for students to express their imaginations fully.

Unit 3 Group Photo

Unit 3 Brief: 3013 Installation City

Initial workshop protoypes for urban furniture

UNITE 3 in discussion 

Working on proposals for urban furniture

Deciding which proposal should be installed

Sketching in the workshop

Hande, Julia and Ehsan discussing metalwork

Wooden block models underway

Learning how to use the workshop equipment

Onur instructs students on the best ways to build their study models

Another in progress model in the workshop

Forming metal

Creating enclosures

A sea of models for the interim jury

Photomontages to test models at 1:1

Building the first canopy in Chings Yard

The final system of wooden strips and cable ties

Unit(e) 3 taking a much deserved doughnut break on Friday afternoon before working the late shift.

Site model for testing various insertions

Working away

Harsh, Hande and Leo work in the unit space

Everyone debates the final design

Photoshop of the final installation

Final 3 sketch proposals for the canopies


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